Ankle Special Tests

Anterior Drawer Test 

  • Athlete is sitting over the edge of the table with the knee bent 
  • Examiner stabilizes the lower leg with one hand & cups the calcaneus with the forearm supporting the foot in slight plantar flextion (~ 20° ) and slight inversion (few degrees) 
  • Examiner draws the calcaneus & talus anteriorly and slighlty medially 
Positive Test
Pain, anterior translation, dimple/sulcus, and/or "clunk"

Positive Test Implications
ATF ligament sprain/capsular sprain

Heel Tap ("Bump") Test 

  • Athlete is sitting or lying supine, with the involved foot off the end of the table & the knee straight 
  • Examiner stabilizes the lower leg with one hand & bumps the calcaneus with the other hand 
  • Examiner bumps the calcaneus 2–3 times with progressively more force 
Positive Test
Pain (at area of complaint)

Positive Test Implications
Possible fracture

Tinel's Sign Test 

  • Athlete is supine with the hip of the affected side externally rotated and the foot slightly everted 
  • Examiner taps over the tarsal tunnel 
Positive Test
Radiating pain in the foot and toes

Positive Test Implications
Tarsal tunnel syndrome

Thompson's Test 

  • Athlete is prone with his/her knee extended 
  • Examiner squeezes the calf musculature while observing for ankle plantar flexion 
Positive Test
Foot does not plantar flex when calf is squeezed

Positive Test Implications
Achilles tendon rupture

Side–to–Side Test 

  • Athlete is sitting (or supine with the knee slightly flexed) 
  • Examiner stabilizes the lower leg with one hand 
  • Examiner grasps the rearfoot and slides the talus/calcaneus laterally and medially 
Positive Test
Pain; noticeable "clunk"

Positive Test Implications
Syndesmosis sprain

Percussion Test 

  • Athlete is sitting with the involved leg off the end of the table 
  • Examiner taps distally from the involved structure 
Positive Test
Pain (at the area of complaint only)
Positive Test Implications
Possible fracture

Navicular Drop Test 

  • Athlete is sitting with both feet on the floor 
  • Examiner places a dot over the navicular tuberosity with the athlete in a non–weight bearing position 
  • Examiner kneels in front of the athlete & places the subtalar joint in the neutral position with the athlete's foot flat against the ground, but non–weight bearing 
  • Examiner positions a 3x5 index card next to the medial longitudinal arch & makes a mark on the card corresponding to the level of the navicular 
  • Examiner has the athlete stand with his/her body weight evenly distributed & marks the new level of the navicular on the card 
  • Examiner measures the distance between the two marks 
Positive Test
Navicular drops more than 10 mm

Positive Test Implications
Hyperpronation of the foot

Kleiger's (External Rotation) Test 

  • Athlete is sitting with his/her legs over the edge of the table 
  • Examiner stabilizes the lower leg with one hand 
  • Examiner grasps the medial aspect of the foot while supporting the ankle in neutral 
  • Examiner rotates the foot laterally 
Positive Test
Medial/lateral joint pain; syndesmosis (anterior Tib–fib) pain

Positive Test Implications
Deltoid ligament sprain (medial/lateral joint pain); syndesmosis involvment (syndesmosis/tib–fib pain)

Inversion Talar Tilt Test 

  • Athlete is sitting with his/her legs over the edge of the table 
  • Examiner grasps the calcaneus with one hand & stabilizes the lower leg with the other hand 
  • Examiner provides inversion stress rolling the calcaneus inward while the ankle is in neutral 
  • Examiner provides an inversion stress by rolling the calcaneus inward while the ankle is in the plantar flexed position 
Positive Test
Talus tilts or gaps excessively; pain

Positive Test Implications
Involvement of ATF (PF position)/CF (neutral position)

Eversion Talar Tilt Test

  • Athlete is sitting with his/her legs over the edge of the table
  • Examiner grasps the calcaneus with one hand & stabilizes the lower leg with the other hand
  • Examiner provides an eversion stress rolling the calcaneus outward while the ankle is neutral

Positive Test
Talus tilts or gaps excessively; pain

Positive Test Implications
Deltoid ligament sprain

Homan's Sign Test


  • Athlete is sitting or supine with the knee extended
  • Examiner passively dorsiflexes foot while knee is extended
  • Examiner palpates the calf

Positive Test
Calf pain

Positive Test Implications
Deep vein thrombophlebitis (DVT)

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